A custom-built, ready-to-use component designed to seamlessly integrate photo and video capture into your forms. Whether it's snapping photos or recording videos, this solution ensures instant uploads, making it effortless to capture and share visual content within your project.
Blogify is a full-stack application utilizing Hygraph Studio, a GraphCMS for efficient GraphQL queries. It includes a homepage listing blogs, individual blog pages for detailed views, pagination for smooth navigation, and category-based filtering for easy content exploration.
Whisper is a full-stack chatting application that helps locals connect and share their thoughts. It offers an easy way for users to interact and exchange ideas within their community. The focus was on implementing strategies using monorepos and architectures to ensure standard practices.
This Next.js template is designed with a clean and scalable architecture, incorporating best practices for code quality and formatting. It includes comprehensive setup for ESLint, Prettier, Git Hooks, VS Code configuration, debugging, and seamless Storybook integration.